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Most insurance policies—whether for healthcare, autos, or homes—have a deductible. The deductible is the amount you are responsible for paying before the insurance carrier picks up the rest of the bill (subject to coverage limitations). Here at Roof MD, we understand that it can be frustrating for homeowners to deal with their insurance carriers. It can be difficult to decipher the policies. That’s why we offer assistance with the insurance claim process. Let our friendly office staff and professional roofers deal with the insurance adjuster. We’ll make the process as hassle-free as possible for you. Your complete satisfaction is our goal!

How do homeowner’s insurance deductibles work?

At Roof MD, we are always happy to answer your questions about homeowner’s insurance claims for roof and chimney damage. Homeowner’s insurance deductibles can be confusing because they work differently from health insurance. Health insurance usually has an annual deductible. In contrast, homeowner’s insurance has a per claim deductible. That is, you will have to pay the deductible every time you make a claim.

While Roof MD can’t offer advice on purchasing insurance, as we are not insurance agents, we do recommend that homeowners carefully review their policies to compare the deductibles to the premiums. Generally, the lower the premium is, the higher the deductibles are, and vice versa. Make sure you choose a policy with deductibles you’re capable of meeting if unexpected damage occurs.

Some types of damage may have separate deductibles.

It’s important to note that your homeowner’s insurance policy may list different deductibles for different types of damage. A different deductible may apply to wind and hail damage, for example. In addition, it’s common for insurers to require a separate named storm or hurricane deductible for damage due to any hurricane or tropical storm officially declared by the National Hurricane Center.

While some wind and hail deductibles are expressed as a flat rate, it’s more common for them to be expressed as a percentage of the coverage limit. For instance, if your home is valued at $200,000 and your wind and hail deductible is 1%, you can expect to pay a deductible of $2,000.

At Roof MD, we can recommend new shingle products that offer superior wind resistance for future protection against these high deductibles.

Do you need assistance with your homeowner’s insurance company for roof repairs or replacement? If so, then the team at Roof MD would be happy to help you. Call (901) 305-9136 for professional, friendly service in Germantown, TN and the surrounding areas. Our roofers are all experienced, licensed pros, and they have an enduring commitment to quality craftsmanship and excellent customer service. If you’d like to learn more, then contact us today!

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